Binary Matrix Model

From Dialogic Design Science

A Binary Matrix Model is a binary matrix and three associations (indicated by colons), i.e.

M = { N, V: Is, H: It, : R }

N: a binary matrix V: a set of contextual elements associated in a one-to-one manner with the vertical index set Is of N, H is a set of contextual elements associated in a one-to-one manner with the horizontal index set I, of N

I: a contextual relation associated with the binary relation induced on I, xI, by N.

The set V is called the vertical index set of the model, and H is its horizontal index set.

The contextual relation I is called the model relation, and the matrix N is called the model matrix. Also, N may often be given a specific name for a specific kind of binary-matrix model.

Warfield, J. N. (1976). Implication structures for system interconnection matrices. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, (1), 18-24.