- ...''Epistemological Axiom''' is one the axioms used within [[Dialogic Design Science]]. The [[Global Agoras]] community has attributed this axiom to [[LaDonna H ...ated by the traditional Western [[epistemology|Epistemology]] that reduced science to only intellectual dimensions.635 bytes (88 words) - 12:00, 24 January 2023
- ...care, education, cities, and communities, without the authentic engagement of the stakeholders is unethical and results in inferior plans that are not im [[Category: Axioms of Dialogic Design Science]]272 bytes (37 words) - 14:04, 28 August 2022
- [[Category: Axioms of Dialogic Design Science]]340 bytes (45 words) - 14:03, 28 August 2022
- ...gaged in designing their own social systems must make personal investments of trust, committed faith, or sincere hope, in order to be effective in discov [[Category: Axioms of Dialogic Design Science]]287 bytes (39 words) - 14:05, 28 August 2022
- ...alized, and disciplinary barriers and boundaries, as part of an enrichment of their repertoires for seeing, feeling and acting (loanna Tsivacou and Norma [[Category: Axioms of Dialogic Design Science]]405 bytes (59 words) - 14:08, 28 August 2022
- ...ry group of stakeholders and their concerns, by honoring Requisite Variety of distinctions and perspectives as manifested in the Arena (Peter Jones) [[Category: Axioms of Dialogic Design Science]]324 bytes (45 words) - 14:08, 28 August 2022
- ...s of imagination as part of value-and emotion-laden inquiries by a variety of stakeholders (Norma Romm and Maria Kakoulaki). ** [[Category: Axioms of Dialogic Design Science]]395 bytes (51 words) - 14:06, 28 August 2022