Laws of Dialogic Design Science

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Dialogic Design Science is grounded on seven laws (also referred to as principles), which provide guidelines for those wishing to design systems methodologies in compliance with the theory.

The seven Laws of Dialogic Design Science

  1. The Law of Requisite Variety (William Ross Ashby)
  2. The Law of Requisite Parsimony (George Miller and John Warfield)
  3. The Law of Requisite Saliency (Kenneth Boulding)
  4. The Law of Requisite Meaning (Charles Sanders Peirce)
  5. The Law of Requisite Autonomy and Authenticity (Ioanna Tsivacou)
  6. The Law of Requisite Evolution of Observations (Kevin Dye)
  7. The Law of Requisite Action (Yiannis Laouris)