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==Scientific Contributions==
==Scientific Contributions==
Laouris is credited for the discovery the dialogic design Law of Requisite Action,<ref>Bausch, K. (2008). Negotiating Social Complexity. Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the ISSS - 2008, Madison, Wisconsin, 3(1). Retrieved from https://journals.isss.org/index.php/proceedings52nd/article/view/960 p.4</ref> <ref> Flanagan T.R. (2020) Structured Dialogic Design for Mobilizing Collective Action in Highly Complex Systems. In: Metcalf G.S., Kijima K., Deguchi H. (eds) Handbook of Systems Sciences. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0370-8_59-1 p. 17</ref> which asserts that action plans that are not founded on the authentic engagement of the stakeholders are unethical and are bound to fail. Together with [[Norma Romm]], they stablished the Structured Democratic Dialogue methodology as [[Problem structuring methods|Problem Structuring Method]] <ref>Gomes et al., 2022 pp.; Gomes Júnior, A.d.A., Schramm, V.B. Problem Structuring Methods: A Review of Advances Over the Last Decade. Syst Pract Action Res 35, 55–88 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11213-021-09560-1, p 763</ref> <ref> Franco, L. A., & Rouwette, E. A. (2022). Problem structuring methods: Taking stock and looking ahead. In The Palgrave handbook of operations research (pp. 735-780). Cham: Springer International Publishing. pg 763</ref> thus contributing to the development of community [[Operations research|Operational Research]](COR)<ref>Midgley, G., Johnson, M. P., & Chichirau, G. (2018). What is community operational research?. European Journal of Operational Research, 268(3), 771-783. pg 772</ref> <ref>Johnson, M. P., Midgley, G., Wright, J., & Chichirau, G. (2018). Community Operational Research: Innovations, internationalization and agenda-setting applications. European Journal of Operational Research, 268(3), 761-770. pp. 766, 771</ref> <ref>Júnior, A. D. A. G., & Schramm, V. B. (2021). Problem Structuring Methods: A Review of Advances Over the Last Decade. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 1-34. pp. 3,15</ref>, having conducted SDDs worldwide<ref>Yang, B., Serrano, J. V., Launer, M. A., Wang, L., & Rabiei, K. (2023). A comprehensive and systematic study on the cybernetics management systems. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 36(3), 479-504. pg 493</ref>.
Laouris is credited for the discovery the dialogic design Law of Requisite Action,<ref>Bausch, K. (2008). Negotiating Social Complexity. Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the ISSS - 2008, Madison, Wisconsin, 3(1). Retrieved from https://journals.isss.org/index.php/proceedings52nd/article/view/960 p.4</ref> <ref> Flanagan T.R. (2020) Structured Dialogic Design for Mobilizing Collective Action in Highly Complex Systems. In: Metcalf G.S., Kijima K., Deguchi H. (eds) Handbook of Systems Sciences. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0370-8_59-1 p. 17</ref> which asserts that action plans that are not founded on the authentic engagement of the stakeholders are unethical and are bound to fail. Together with [[Norma Romm]], they stablished the Structured Democratic Dialogue methodology as [[Problem structuring methods|Problem Structuring Method]] <ref>Gomes et al., 2022 pp.; Gomes Júnior, A.d.A., Schramm, V.B. Problem Structuring Methods: A Review of Advances Over the Last Decade. Syst Pract Action Res 35, 55–88 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11213-021-09560-1, p 763</ref> <ref> Franco, L. A., & Rouwette, E. A. (2022). Problem structuring methods: Taking stock and looking ahead. In The Palgrave handbook of operations research (pp. 735-780). Cham: Springer International Publishing. pg 763</ref> thus contributing to the development of community [[Operations research|Operational Research]] (COR)<ref>Midgley, G., Johnson, M. P., & Chichirau, G. (2018). What is community operational research?. European Journal of Operational Research, 268(3), 771-783. pg 772</ref> <ref>Johnson, M. P., Midgley, G., Wright, J., & Chichirau, G. (2018). Community Operational Research: Innovations, internationalization and agenda-setting applications. European Journal of Operational Research, 268(3), 761-770. pp. 766, 771</ref> <ref>Júnior, A. D. A. G., & Schramm, V. B. (2021). Problem Structuring Methods: A Review of Advances Over the Last Decade. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 1-34. pp. 3,15</ref>, having conducted SDDs worldwide<ref>Yang, B., Serrano, J. V., Launer, M. A., Wang, L., & Rabiei, K. (2023). A comprehensive and systematic study on the cybernetics management systems. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 36(3), 479-504. pg 493</ref>.

Laouris is one of 12 experts commissioned to draft the ONLINFE Manifesto <ref>https://epthinktank.eu/2014/12/08/what-makes-us-human-in-a-hyper-connected-era/ What makes us human in a hyper connected era</ref> <ref> https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/events/being-human-hyperconnected-era What makes us human in a hyper connected era</ref> for Europe <ref>Floridi, L. (2014). The fourth revolution: How the infosphere is reshaping human reality. OUP Oxford. pg XII</ref> <ref>Peters, M. A., & Jandrić, P. (2019). Posthumanism, open ontologies and bio-digital becoming: Response to Luciano Floridi’s Onlife Manifesto. 971-980. pg 977 </ref> and co-presented it in the European Parliament <ref>https://multimedia.europarl.europa.eu/en/webstreaming/science-and-technology-options-assessment_20141202-1700-SPECIAL-UNKN Presentation of the ONLIFE Manifesto to the EU parliament</ref>
Laouris is one of 12 experts commissioned to draft the ONLINFE Manifesto <ref>https://epthinktank.eu/2014/12/08/what-makes-us-human-in-a-hyper-connected-era/ What makes us human in a hyper connected era</ref> <ref> https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/events/being-human-hyperconnected-era What makes us human in a hyper connected era</ref> for Europe <ref>Floridi, L. (2014). The fourth revolution: How the infosphere is reshaping human reality. OUP Oxford. pg XII</ref> <ref>Peters, M. A., & Jandrić, P. (2019). Posthumanism, open ontologies and bio-digital becoming: Response to Luciano Floridi’s Onlife Manifesto. 971-980. pg 977 </ref> and co-presented it in the European Parliament <ref>https://multimedia.europarl.europa.eu/en/webstreaming/science-and-technology-options-assessment_20141202-1700-SPECIAL-UNKN Presentation of the ONLIFE Manifesto to the EU parliament</ref>

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